Please be assured that the full staff of Great West Engineering continues to work hard on your behalf.  The health and safety of our employees, clients, and the communities in which we work are of paramount importance.  We continue to encourage our staff to work remotely during these challenging times; however, we are available via telephone, email and video conference to respond to your needs and questions.  Our physical offices continue to remain open to essential services, clients, and healthy staff.

Great West is working to assist our clients with the challenge of communicating efficiently using cloud-based services.  Our IT staff is available to assist with setting up remote workstations, scheduling and conducting videoconference meetings, and online information sharing platforms.  Please reach out to your Great West contact if we may be of assistance.

Great West Engineering staff will be in regular communication with our clients to review project schedules and discuss developments that may impact current or future projects.  We continue to post regular updates on our website at  www.greatwesteng.com and our social media channels.  Please follow Great West Engineering on Facebook and LinkedIn for current news and updates on COVID-19 related impacts to our clients and industry.

May you all remain safe and healthy throughout the current crisis.


Great West Engineering, Inc.