City of Council
Wastewater Master Plan, City Wide Wastewater Collection & Treatment System Improvements
The design and construction for this project follows the recommendations of the DEQ approved facility planning study, which includes the replacement of approximately 40% of the wastewater collection system (16,000 lineal feet) to reduce significant I&I (in excess of 1.8 MGD) and replacement of the existing wastewater lagoon treatment facility. The City has been in a compliance agreement schedule (CAS) with DEQ and a Compliance Order on Consent with the EPA for multiple years and has been unable to meet their NPDES permit limits as well as the lagoon liners not passing their seepage testing. Great West designed the collection system and an advanced partial mix advanced lagoon treatment system with a new manual bar screen, Submerged Attached Growth Reactor (SAGR), fine bubble aeration system, and UV disinfection. The City’s new IDPES permit includes an Ammonia limit, that can be met with the newly constructed lagoon treatment system even in the cold climate in this region. The project began construction in August of 2019, full DEQ and EPA compliance is was achieved in December of 2020.

Project Highlights
- New advanced lagoon treatment facility
- SAGR System
- 16,000 feet of collection system replaced
- UV disinfection and Blower Building
- Fine Bubble aeration
- IPDES Permit Analysis
- Preliminary Engineering Report (PER)
- Project cost $7.95 million
- Grant Funding
- DEQ - $2.15M
- USDA RD - $890,000
- USACE - $400,000
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