Why contract for on-call engineering services? The answer for many governments is to ease the burden on local officials and public works departments. When properly managed, on-call engineering services assist local governments with funding, developing, and maintaining critical infrastructure most often involving roads, streets, stormwater, water and wastewater systems.

Great West Responds Immediately During Flooding in Deer Lodge Montana
Procuring on-call engineering services removes the step of issuing a Request for Proposal (RFP) for each infrastructure project throughout the term of the contract. Streamlining the RFP process reduces the burden on staff and allows the design and construction process to be more responsive. In no way does an on-call engineering contract prevent an entity from issuing RFPs for specific projects. Aside from reducing the administrative burden of the RFP process, what are some of the other benefits of using on-call engineering?
Immediate natural disaster and emergency response
On-call engineering services are very valuable during natural disaster or emergency situations. A local government may request immediate engineering support to assess damaged infrastructure without the worry of complying with state or federal procurement policies. Throughout the 2011 and 2013 flood events Great West Engineering staff worked side by side with clients to assess damaged infrastructure. Our engineers evaluated roads, bridges and culverts for safety prior to re-opening them for public use. We worked closely with FEMA representatives to develop realistic infrastructure repair costs and provided funding administration services to ensure compliance with agency guidelines.
An extension of your staff

Great West Leads a Public Meeting for On-Call Client Hill County
On-call services offer the local government and engineer an opportunity to fully evaluate infrastructure deficiencies and develop relationships with key staff members. The long-term relationship fosters open communication that results in better project delivery while creating cost efficiencies for the local entity. Great West Engineering has provided comprehensive engineering services to local governments in Montana and Idaho for over 30 years. The trust developed between our firm and our clients has allowed us to strongly advocate on behalf of the entity when dealing with funding partners, regulatory agencies and legislative issues. We have seen this benefit through a wide variety of projects including road improvements, bridge and culvert replacements, dam repairs, water & wastewater system improvements, and a myriad of other tasks.
Funding opportunities
The engineer is a key partner in identifying and securing funding for local infrastructure projects. As a result, a significant percentage of engineering costs may be offset through grants and funding partnerships. The long-term nature of on-call engineering allows better opportunity of funding success due to the ability to match new funding opportunities to the needs of the client. A review of Great West Engineering’s on-call engineering services revealed that 30% – 60% of planning, design, and construction administration costs are typically funded through grants and cost share agreements.

Great West Inspects Flood Damage Near Roundup Montana
Comprehensive expertise and services
On-call engineering contracts allow 24-hour access to professional services for local governments. The full resources of the firm are available to supplement and support local government needs. Advice regarding maintenance plans, infrastructure improvement, or funding strategies are simply a phone call or email away. On-call engineers are available to reduce your workload, offer no-cost advice, improve your efficiency, and simplify your job. How can Great West Engineering make your life easier?