Big Sage-Hingham Bridge, Hill County – Project Initiated with TSEP Planning Grant
Are you interested in developing or updating a preliminary engineering report for your community’s water or wastewater system? Do you have an important bridge that’s in poor condition or are you interested in preparing a growth policy, capital improvements plan or some other important planning document, but your community does not have the resources to pay for it? We have good news. Over the next several weeks the Montana Department of Commerce (MDOC) and Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC) will begin taking applications for planning grants that are intended to help Montana communities finance the development of important planning documents. The following is a snapshot of eligibility information and tentative dates for the upcoming program application cycles:
MDOC Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program – Up to $50,000 (1:3 Match)
[FY2019] Application Cycle is expected to open in mid-April 2019
Eligible applicants include counties, cities, and towns. Local governments may apply on behalf of special purpose districts, or behalf of non-profit organizations and counties may apply on behalf of tribal utility authorities.

Cascade Water Tank – Project Initiated With TSEP and DNRC Planning Grant
Eligible projects include:
- Growth Policies
- Subdivision and Zoning Regulations
- Preliminary Architectural Reports
- Capital Improvement Plans
- Housing Assessments
- Income Surveys
DNRC Renewable Resource Grant and Loan Program (RRGL) – (No match required)
2021 Biennium Application Cycle opens May-June 2019
Eligible applicants include any division of state government, tribal government, or municipal, county, or local political subdivision (water and sewer districts, irrigation districts, joint boards of control and state agencies).
Eligible projects:
Preliminary Engineering Reports (PERs) – $15,000
PER Updates, Technical Narratives, Capital Improvements Plans or Growth Plans – $5,000
MDOC Treasure State Endowment Program (TSEP) – (1:1 Match)
2021 Biennium Application Cycle opens June 2019
Eligible applicants: Incorporated Cities or Towns, Counties, Consolidated Governments, Tribal Governments, and County or multi-County water, sewer, or solid waste districts.
Eligible projects:
Comprehensive Capital Improvements Plans – $15,000
Preliminary Engineering Reports (PERs) – $15,000
- Drinking water systems
- Wastewater treatment facilities
- Sanitary or storm sewer systems
- Solid waste and separation systems
- Bridges
For more information, please contact Craig Erickson, Certified Grant Writer at (406) 495-6189 or [email protected].